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Maiden to Mother

A sacred, self-paced course to support you in traversing the realms from maiden to mother

I was recently asked, "What's the best thing I can do to prepare for motherhood and my answer was simple: heal

Go within and get to know yourself deeply. Greet the dark, shadowy parts of yourself with the same gracious embrace you would extend to the light. Learn to respond rather than react, sit in your humility, and take 100% responsibility for your life and everything in it. Let go of fears, and discover how to release, process, and integrate guilt, shame, and grief. Express your anger in a healthy way, embody self-worth, learn to radically love, accept, and forgive yourself and others, speak your truth, and live authentically. Learn to trust your intuition and connect to something magical—Mother Earth, the divine, Tao, source, universe.


This inner work is not only a preparation for motherhood but also a support system for the birthing process. It goes beyond personal growth, contributing to a broader societal shift. Breaking generational cycles, challenging toxic patriarchal mindsets, and engaging in the process of decolonization become integral aspects of this transformative journey.


Ultimately, it is an investment in the future. It supports not only your expansion but also plays a pivotal role in shaping conscious, kind, intuitive, and courageous human beings. These individuals, nurtured in an environment of radical self-love, have the potential to ripple positive change and compassion throughout the world.


In the realm of parenting, a prevalent misconception exists—one that suggests one can seamlessly navigate the journey without any thought- that one can just “wing it.” However, reflecting on my own journey into motherhood, I've come to realize that this is far from effective and has actually caused me more stress than not. The transition into motherhood encompasses more than just the practicalities of sleep and nutrition; it delves into a deeper exploration of child consciousness and well-being. Success in this transformative phase lies in approaching it with mindfulness and a toolkit to navigate challenges. As we grapple with the intricacies of parenting—managing stress, anxiety, impatience, frustration, and anger—having practical, grounded spiritual tools becomes not just beneficial but essential.


Awakening: Opening and Creating Sacred Space

Here, you will gain insights into effective time management and the art of creating sacred space for yourself. These invaluable tools provide a foundation for navigating the demands of motherhood. Additionally, you'll discover techniques to remain within your optimal zone of arousal, allowing you to respond calmly to stressful situations. This skill not only benefits your own well-being but also sets a mindful tone for your interactions with your child.

Foundations:Diving into the Depths of our Past and Breaking Generational Cycles

This segment guides you in establishing a solid foundation for your journey into motherhood. By grounding yourself and reconnecting with your inner child, you'll delve into the depths of your past. This exploration is essential for unravelling narratives and patterns that may hinder your growth. Breaking generational cycles becomes a transformative and rewarding process, enabling you to move forward with newfound clarity and resilience.

Reclaiming: Embracing both the Light and the Dark

In this phase, you'll create a space to delve into and embrace the full spectrum of your emotions. By taking 100% responsibility for your life experiences, you'll begin to love and accept all facets of yourself. This work empowers you to release anything or anyone that does not contribute positively to your journey. The emotional resilience cultivated here becomes a cornerstone for facing the challenges and joys of motherhood with grace

Sovereignty: Reclaiming your Power and Meeting your Needs

This segment offers an opportunity to deepen your self-awareness and strengthen connections with loved ones. By addressing unmet needs from both your childhood and present adulthood, you'll fortify your boundaries and enhance your relationships. This work not only supports you as an individual but also contributes to the foundation of a healthy partnership, fostering confidence and self-worth.

Heart Work: Radical Self Love, Compassion and Forgiveness of Self and Others

Nurturing our rebellious spirit, and embracing radical self-love and acceptance is crucial, especially in the realm of parenthood. By authentically loving ourselves, we set a powerful example for our children, teaching them to love themselves unconditionally. This transformative journey also involves cultivating compassion, and forgiveness, and releasing held grief. Within this space, we gain awareness of relational dynamics, discerning and transforming potential codependency into a co-committed relationship—where two individuals support each other in becoming whole and complete individuals

Self Expression: Living as your most Authentic and Intuitive Self

This phase encourages the exploration of authentic self-expression. By learning to speak your truth with confidence and empathy, you lay the groundwork for an open and honest family dynamic. Teaching your children the importance of both expressing themselves and actively listening creates a nurturing environment where individual voices are valued. It also teaches them that their voice matters and that they should never silence themselves in fear of what others will think.

A New Perspective

Here, you'll discover the power of listening—to your intuition and to others. Shifting away from a black-and-white mindset, this phase encourages embracing the gray areas of life. Leading with your soul over your ego fosters patience and understanding. This skill set not only enriches your own life but sets a powerful example for your children, teaching them the importance of diverse perspectives and open-mindedness.

Expansion of Awareness

In the final phase, you'll learn the art of releasing attachments and letting go of what no longer serves you. Understanding the lessons that challenges have come to teach you becomes a key aspect of personal growth. Connecting to the divine, whether you perceive it as the universe, God, or the creator within, brings a sense of magic to your life. This connection to something greater facilitates trust and faith, providing a solid foundation for the ongoing journey of motherhood.

"Spiritual preparedness, in this context, doesn’t necessarily require esoteric practices but rather a practical and mindful approach to the challenges of parenthood. It involves integrating spiritual principles into everyday life—listening, responding to difficulties with compassion, embracing humility, and fostering gratitude."


What's Included: 

30 + Informative + Inspiring Videos:

Over six hours of video footage on the seven energy centres, forgiveness, inner child healing, trauma-sensitive mindfulness…and many more.

18 + Meditations

These meditations will guide you back into a deep remembering of your innate power and worth. Ranging in length between five to 30 minutes.

4 X Guest Expert Sessions

Recorded sessions where leaders in their industries guide you through a practice or share a teaching on a topic that will support you in your growth.

42 + PDFs + Worksheets

These worksheets summarize the videos and will support you in implementing and integrating all that you are learning along your journey.

Forever access + updates

You will always be included and notified as content continues to be updated for Maiden to Mother and you will have forever access to the content

Private Community

A community of expectant, pregnant and postpartum mothers. A space to listen, learn and felt seen and heard.

You are about to or you already have embarked on one of the most sacred and profound rites of passage- Motherhood.


Success in this transformative phase of our lives lies in approaching it with mindfulness and a toolkit to navigate challenges. As we are tested with the intricacies of motherhood—managing stress, anxiety, impatience, frustration, and anger—having practical, grounded spiritual tools becomes not just beneficial but essential.


The significance of this spiritual toolkit extends beyond individual growth. Relationships, especially with our partners, face significant challenges during this period. A conscious and spiritually aligned partnership becomes crucial in maintaining balance. The ability to collaborate and face obstacles together not only strengthens the relationship but also fosters a connection that enhances the parenting journey.


At the heart of this transformative process is the recognition that exploring one's spiritual and emotional landscape is an integral part of the journey. Avoiding the unexplored aspects within ourselves denies us the opportunity for true fulfillment. The journey towards self-discovery may seem daunting initially, but the commitment to this process yields not just personal growth but a harmonious environment for the family.


Spiritual preparedness, in this context, doesn’t necessarily require esoteric practices but rather a practical and mindful approach to the challenges of parenthood. It involves integrating spiritual principles into everyday life—listening, responding to difficulties with compassion, embracing humility, and fostering gratitude.


In essence, approaching motherhood with spiritual intentionality is an invitation to a journey that enriches not only our lives but also the lives of those we love most. It's an acknowledgment that amidst the everyday chaos, there exists a deeper, spiritual dimension waiting to be discovered—one that adds depth and meaning to the adventure of motherhood.

Client Love

this is a photo of a woman for a testimonial

Mother Dani

I came across Brit when I was truly in need of some guidance and direction. I felt I had lost connection with my truest self and although I read the self-help books and listened to the spiritual podcasts, implementing these things into my life seemed impossible. Working with Brit through her course and group mentorship took me from a sense of constant frustration and hopelessness to a state of alignment and a deep connection to that true self I had neglected. The tools I now have that I have put into practice have given me more strength and self-love than I thought was possible.

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